The people of Portugal are known to be hardworking. Their dedication shows this for working two jobs at one time. Around 288,000 Portuguese working double jobs due to inflation, increases in rents, and low salaries.
More People Are Working Double Jobs
Citizens of Portugal are working double jobs to earn their living. Around 288,000 people are reported to work more than they used to at the start of the year. ECO has compiled the data which shows that around 287,500 people are working double jobs. This number is the highest since 2011. Statistics show that people have recently acquired more than a second job. An extra job can help you earn more, and it makes ends meet.
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It is stated that around 4.9 million people have a job as recorded at the start of the year. Out of these people, it was seen that 3.8 % have started a new job. Some of them are working 2 jobs at a time. Some citizens are even working more than 2 jobs so they can earn more. The stats show that this number may be around 185,300 people, who are working double jobs.
The last quarter recorded around 167, 000 people who were working 2 jobs at a time. There has been an increase of 10.2% in a single year for people who are working double their jobs. Many people are still looking for more jobs so they can make ends meet because Portuguese working double jobs.
Some people started the year 2024 with a single job but they took another job later in the year. Around 102.2 thousand more people gained employment in the 3 months between April and June. They started the year with one job but later on, due to their financial conditions, they were forced to take on another job.
Inflation & Rents Force Citizens For Second Job
At the start of the year, only 94.4 thousand people had opted for another job. A chain reaction was followed by 8.2% of workers in the second quarter. Most of the people chose dual employment. This number has almost increased by three times as compared to last year. This same figure was around 3.1% in the last year. It has now increased to 8.2%, which is 5.1% more for this year. This is why around 287.5 thousand people are believed to have gained another job. ECO has stated that this figure is recorded to be the highest since the second quarter of 2011.

There is a trend for having another job to earn more in Portugal. This is due to inflation, low unemployment, and lower wages. Another reason to work for two jobs is the increase in the rents within Portugal. Around 250,000 people were working for 2 jobs in the year 2023 but this number seems to have increased much more in this year.
The jobs that do not require any expertise or an educational background have increased more than the technical jobs. An example can be taken of Marcia Alvaro, a 42-year-old Portuguese from Brazil have two jobs. He works as a cleaner for a tourist company, and he is also a carpenter as well. This shows that the least educated jobs are being filled with more applicants in Portugal.
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