Portugal is known as one of the most moderate countries in Europe. Many nations face challenges with migration but Portugal has chosen a balanced and human approach. The Deputy Secretary of State for the Presidency Rui Armindo Freitas spoke about this during a meeting in Vila Real. The event called “Challenges and Policies for the Integration of Migrants – An Atlantic Vision” took place at the Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro Unit (UTAD).
Read More About: Challenges For Immigrant Integration In Portugal
Portugal: Most Moderate Countries In Europe

Freitas said that migration is a great opportunity for Portugal. However, he stressed that clear rules and a well-functioning system are essential.
He explained:
We see the integration of migrants as a great opportunity, but only with clear rules, only with a functional State, can we guarantee an environment of serenity for those who are here and for those who seek us out
Freitas message comes at a time when migration is a major issue in Europe. He said that some countries failed to manage migration effectively. This failure has created problems for migrants and local communities.
Poor policies have also caused divisions and allowed extreme political views to grow. Freitas said:
If we have reached a point where there is some tension, often polarisation of discourse, it is because we had a State that entered into operational bankruptcy in dealing with the phenomenon of migration and threw people into indignity. The indignity is as bad for those who are in that situation as it is for those who live with it, and an extreme political position has been created throughout Europe that is not beneficial to a cohesive society.
Portugal approach focuses on moderation and human values. Freitas explained that migration should be managed with fairness and compassion.
He added:
That is why we argue that this phenomenon must always be treated in the great space of moderation, with humanism and with clear rules
Portugal hopes to create a society where everyone can live peacefully by following these principles.
Lessons From Europe Mistakes
Freitas discussed Europe struggles with migration. He said that weak policies have caused tensions and political polarization.
He said:
If we have reached a point where there is tension and polarization, it is because some states failed to manage migration and caused indignity
This mismanagement has led to the rise of extremist politics. Freitas noted that both the extreme right and left exploit the chaos for political gain. These movements do not offer real solutions and instead create more problems. Portugal moderate approach aims to avoid these issues and focus on practical solutions.
Solving The Backlog Problem
One of the biggest challenges for Portugal is the backlog of migrants waiting for recognition. Freitas said that around 400,000 people are in this situation. Many of them already contribute to social security. However they are still waiting for official recognition.
He explained:
Everyone knows that we need immigration, but we cannot have immigration without any kind of rules, which is what has happened in recent years and which has led to an accumulation of dependencies (around 400 thousand) of people who have been waiting to be recognised by the Portuguese State despite already contributing to social security
Portugal is working to fix this problem. The goal is to speed up the process and help migrants integrate better. This includes recognizing their contributions and providing them with the rights they deserve. Portugal hopes to create a more fair and efficient system by solving the backlog.
Portugal’s policies focus on treating migrants with respect and dignity. Freitas said that human values are essential for building a harmonious society. This means not only giving migrants opportunities but also helping them integrate into the community.
Freitas concluded:
Now this was not good for them, nor for the society that welcomed them and it leads to extreme positions and speeches, often with a desire for political advantage and we have an extreme right that feeds on chaos and an extreme left that also does nothing different.
A human approach also involves addressing the root causes of migration. Portugal works to create solutions that benefit both migrants and local communities.
Balancing Opportunities And Challenges
Freitas emphasized the need for balance in migration policies. Portugal recognizes the benefits of migration but also understands its challenges.
Portugal aims to make migration beneficial for everyone by establishing clear guidelines. This balanced approach prevents the chaos seen in other parts of Europe. It also helps create stability and trust in the system.
Portugal is committed to maintaining its moderate and human approach to migration. Freitas said that the country will continue to focus on cohesion and stability. This includes fixing current problems such as the backlog and creating better policies for the future.
Portugal is one of the few moderate countries in Europe when it comes to migration. The country focuses on fairness, clear rules, and human values. Freitas highlighted the importance of treating migrants with dignity and creating policies that benefit everyone.