Portugal has taken a good initiative to install the 5G stations in the country. This will provide the citizens with much stronger signals. The country has already exceeded the mark of 10,000 5G stations. It is reported that the achievement was done in the second quarter of the year for 5G stations installation.
Installation Of 5G Stations
It has been stated that MEO is one of the three companies that do not possess the 5th generation stations within every municipality. There have been reports by the operators that around 10,368 5G stations have been installed in the country by the end of the second quarter. This number of phase stations has increased by 4% since last year.
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Vodafone had agreed to join NOS to provide 5G stations in each of the 308 municipalities within the country. This pact left the numbers of MEOs far behind although MEOs are present in 305 municipalities. The three municipalities where Altice Portugal had already installed one 5G station by the end of June are Mesão Frio, Pedrógão Grande, and Resende. Out of all the three companies, MEO was the one that continued with the lowest amount of 5G stations installed yet at the end of June. This number was around 1,521 5G stations. Vodafone had installed 4,137 5G stations at that time and NOS had 4710 stations installed.
This is completely different if you compare it with the previous mobile generation. The MEO takes the second place with around 5,275 5G stations installed. Vodafone was just a little ahead with 5,525. NOS was the most behind out of the three as it had only 5000 installed antennas. Anacom has highlighted that 14% of the national territory does not possess a 5G station. This is applicable only in those areas that have a population of approximately 8%.
Comparison Of Three Companies For Installation
Three companies are installing 5G stations within the country. These three companies are MEO, Vodafone, and NOS. A parish may not have any stations erected, but a base station located in an adjacent parish may cover a portion of its territory. Additionally, the regulator states that it is incorrect to assume that 92% of the country is covered by the mention of 8% of the people living in parishes without 5G stations. There have been some mentions of this in the quarterly report. It states:
Of the total number of low-density parishes (1,804 parishes), the proportion of those with 5G stations is 66% (1,188 parishes), while 616 parishes (34% of the total) do not have 5G stations.

The three companies are at different stages of completing the 5G coverage of the country. Their way of working varies from the other company. It has been informed that Vodafone has been the one who installed the stations very fast inside the country during the second quarter. Their rate was 8.4% more than compared to the first quarter of the year. The second spot is taken by MEO which performed their installation with 2.9% more than the first quarter.
NOS has only increased their rate by 0.1% as compared to the last quarter. NOS has to improve its rate of installation and be more work efficient. The other two companies are performing really well. NOS has a much lower rate of work if compared to MEO and Vodafone which are installing the 5G at a faster speed.
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